Mar 19, 2008

Doctor day

Today, both girls had doctor appointments. Ugh, I was dreading it.

I'm on Spring Break this week but Lena and Macey's preschool is open, except for Good Friday. I took them to school Monday and Tuesday but there was no point today since we had appointments anyway. So we just hung out this morning and then headed out for the first appointment at 1:30, Macey's 2-year-old checkup (albeit about 6 weeks late). So the girls had no nap and they were a bit cranky upon arrival at the office. Surprisingly they both cheered up fairly quickly and did great!

Macey was incredibly cooperative throughout the appointment. She stood nicely on the scale, stood nicely to be measured, sat very still for the exam, etc. She is a big girl! She was 34.5 inches tall (50th percentile) and 29 lbs (75th percentile). Her head was also 50th percentile but I don't have the exact measurement in front of me. She did have to have two shots and wasn't at all happy about that!

Next we headed to Lena's pulmonology appointment. She has been seeing this doctor regularly since we got home from China for asthma treatment. Gradually over the 3 years, her asthma has gotten better. So as of today, we are released from regular appointments with the pulmonologist and we are down to two meds per day for allergies only. YIPPEE!!! That was wonderful news!! We still have the rescue inhalers if we need them and we are still considered a patient of this doctor if we ever need to see her (the pulmonologists at Texas Children's Hospital are hard to get in to see if you are a new patient...sometimes it takes 6-8 months, not good if your lungs aren't working huh?!)

I have to brag on Lena. Today was the first doctor visit where she totally cooperated and was not scared. In the past, even if Dr. Raber was only listening to her chest and looking in her nose and ears, I had to be right there, often holding her down and there were often tears. Today, she jumped right up on the table, laughed and chatted with the doctor, and did it all by herself. I just sat in the chair with Macey and talked to the doctor. My little girl is growing up too fast. Oh but she is still tiny...only 30.5 lbs and 38 inches tall, not much bigger than Macey!.

After all the doctor visits, I took the girls to TCBY for a yummy treat! Here are photos of our doctor day!

Waiting room (this was the second appointment...I didn't get any at Macey's appointment darn it...I forgot!)

Oh, this is Macey's new cute "cheese" face...nice huh?

Macey was engrossed in "Monsters Inc." playing in the waiting room.

My big girl, doing it all by herself!

Yummy yogurt!!