Mar 22, 2008

Traumatic first haircut

Today, I had errands to run and I planned to take the girls. Both girls were due for a haircut so we made a stop for that. Lena's hair is getting long and she wants it that way. It just needed the dead ends nipped off. Macey's is super short already but she still had a lot of very thin hair on the ends that had grown before she came home. It's starting to get thick and shiny but that old stuff was not looking good so she needed a trim too.

Lena has never been good with haircuts. But Macey has been great with doctor visits and such. I thought surely a haircut would be no big deal, right? WRONG! Macey freaked out and screamed the entire time! I wanted a cute first haircut photo but this was the best I could do:

Lena, of course the big girl, did SUPER and I didn't even have to stand with her. She was a total peach! Here's the evidence:

Next we went to Costco and then lunch at Wendy's. See the new fresh haircuts:

Cute huh???

Tonight Kevin went fishing and the girls and I just hung out. They went to Grammy's for about an hour so I could grocery shop in peace and we made cookies after I got home. Yes, my idea of baking cookies are the pre-made, pre-cut ones that you just "break and bake". Bummer. Maybe next Christmas we'll make some real ones!


Super Mommy said...

Awww, poor baby! The girls look great though! -Nancy

Sharon said...

You quite possibly may have 2 of the cutest girls in the world!

Anonymous said...

The girls look so cute with their new haircuts. I haven't had Moose and Goose's hair done yet. When we got Logan's done (13 years ago) we took him to a kids hair shop- and the lady told me- " I have never had a child scream so loud or so long"- makes my Mommy heart proud!