Apr 22, 2008

Springtime fun!

In Spring in Houston, it starts to get HOT! This year we've had a bit of a break. Not quite burning up yet, though it usually is by now. A week ago, our ceiling fan in our master BR broke. That would have been a HUGE deal a month from now, but we were okay without it for a day or two. Fortunately I know an electrician who installed a new one for us within days. Oh hail the wonderful ceiling fan!!

Our doggie Barney also needed a haircut terribly before the weather got too hot. You be the judge...does he look better (and cooler) before or after?

The girls' latest favorite thing to do is go outside and blow bubbles...but with a twist. At some point they insist on rubbing the bubbles all in their hair. It's such a mess, but they have so much fun! It's always an extra bubbly bath after that.

Tonight before bed, the girls were cuddled up together watching a movie. These sweet sister moments really melt my heart. They are getting along so much better these days!


Sharon said...

Great pics, but the one of them in bed is just precious! I can't imagine how much they must melt your heart each and every day.

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

That photo of the girls in bed together is so gorgeous... nothing beats the sisterhood...