Oct 13, 2008

Gymnast and Dancer

Lena has always been quite the monkey - climbing on everything and full of energy. She has a very lean, muscular body. We have always said she could be a gymnast and she did take a mommy & me gymnastics class when she was two. However, she lost interest and hasn't been in a class since.

Now her interest has come back. She LOVES to flip over bars, hang upside down, and she says she wants to learn to "flip flop" like Boots the Monkey. So I think we'll be signing her up again soon.

This is what she uses our treadmill for (it's a good thing someone uses it!):

Macey on the other hand loves to sing and dance. Here they are in their dancewear:

I think I may have two future stars on my hands!


Stevens Family said...

Very cute!! Sounds like you've got a couple budding stars :)

Super Mommy said...

Wow! Looks like Lena has talent!! I am sure Macey dances beautifully - she looks precious in her outfit!!

RamblingMother said...

wow that is incredible strength.