Dec 20, 2008

Busy week of Christmas Festivities!

My, what a busy week we had!! Early in the week was spent getting ready for later in the week. There was baking to be done, gifts to wrap & bring to school, programs to be performed and lots of fun to be had.

The big deals were Thursday and Friday. Thursday afternoon at 4 was a primary school program. Macey was a reindeer and Lena was an angel. It was adorable!

When we got home from that, our neighborhood had a hayride. Lots of our neighbors have very nice Christmas light displays outside so this was an opportunity to ride around and see everything. It was a nice evening and we really enjoyed it. Not many pics from that since my camera doesn't take great night photos. I did get one decent one of Macey & Daddy as we waited to get going.

Friday was the last day of school before Christmas break (yippee!!) and both girls were having class parties. First we had Lena's party:

Then we had Macey's party:

Finally we came home and I was EXHAUSTED!


PletcherFamily said...

Great pictures! The girls look adorable in there program outfits!!
Merry Christmas my friend!!

Jesse, James and Lindsey's mom said...

Oh!! Your girls are SOOOOO CUUUUTEE!!!

I want them and you of course to come to Alaska to play! If you EVER want to go fishing!! We are here!!!!!