Apr 4, 2008

3 Years since Gotcha Day!

Three years ago today, Lena joined our family! What a blessed, blessed day for us! She has grown and changed so much since April 4, 2005. And everytime I think I love her with all my heart, I find a way to love her even more. Lena, you are definitely my angel!!

Referral photos:

Gotcha day:

At White Swan:

April 2006:

April 2007:

April 2008:


Super Mommy said...

Happy Family Day Lena - my have you grown. Love, love the phots - Lena is just precious! - Nancy

Sharon said...

So are you telling me that Linhsey is going to grow up that fast?! NOOOOO!!!!! All jokes aside, Lena is gorgeous.

Melissa Ward said...

Happy 3 year gotcha day! I was looking at the outfit that Lena is wearing in her referral picture....it's the same one that Emilie was wearing in her referral pictures!

Have a great day!
Melissa--mommy to Emilie from Gaoming SWI and Leah from Fuzhou SWI

Jana said...

She's grown so much, but she still looks exactly the same. Happy, happy, Gotcha Day to you and the love-of-your-life. Lena is a doll!

Carol said...

Congratulations, I'm sure those 3 years flew by too didn't they!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I cannot get over how much she has grown... happy gotcha day Lena