Apr 1, 2008


At this time 3 years ago, I was boarding a plane in Houston with my wonderful mother-in-law, June. We were on our way to Beijing with a brief layover in San Francisco, on our way to bring Lena home.

As long as I had wanted to be a mother, reality had set in that I would indeed be a mom in a few short days and I was a bit nervous. But more than that, I was so excited to be meeting my daughter, who had been waiting 10 months halfway around the world for a family to call her very own.

This is the Gaoming SWI, where at this time 3 years ago, Lena was spending her last few days with her Gaoming brothers and sisters.


Sharon said...

The time goes by so slow when we are waiting and then flies by once they are home. Shouldn't it be the opposite? That would be ideal. They grow up way too fast.

Super Mommy said...

Happy travel day anniversary!

We would love to come to the little Princess' party in June . . . Nancy

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

I cannot wait to the day I glimpse the orphanage my daughter will be from... take care